Eyes On You was proud to attend the Florida Signature Bridal Affair at the downtown Hilton Tampa on July 14th, 2013.  Eyes On You enjoys attending local bridal shows, wedding shows and bridal fair events. These shows can put brides-to-be in touch with a wide selection of vendors in their area. Many vendors will even offer special discounts only available by visiting their bridal show booth. For example, Eyes On You offers free trail services at their booth for every bride that attends these shows. Some of the complimentary trails consist of Hair, Makeup, Spray Tanning, Threading and Henna….just to name a few.

The brides at the show confirmed how much they enjoyed Eyes On You’s booth, practically swarming it! At one point, I was concerned that there might be Fire Marshall codes being broken! HAHAHA At 2:30pm we raffled off three fabulous prizes to 3 lucky brides! The raffle prizes were (1) Spray Tan package valued at $75 dollars, (2) Hair & Air Brush Makeup trial valued at $110 dollars, and best raffle prize of all time- (3) Eyelash Extensions valued at $200!!!

The brides really loved being able to see our “Final Product” all put together. By “Final Product”, I am referencing our lovely Eyes On You Models-We are so lucky to have Christopher, Kaila, Morgan and Alisa! Bride-to-be Tiffany Hilock explained to Alisa,“It’s really awesome to be able to see y’all’s hair, makeup and tanning work completed and fully styled with a bride’s maid gown! Anyone can put on a pretty dress, but Eyes On You completes the look by tying in the dress, hair and makeup.”

After the final fashion show, Eyes On You owner Tamara Veit was totally caught off guard when approached at the booth and asked to make her way to the fashion show stage!?! Tamara had no idea at the time but the brides-to-be had spoken and they had selected Eyes On You to receive the “Best Booth Award” for the summer show! Tamara didn’t realize what was going on until she was on stagehaving a trophy and award placed in her hands. Wow! Surprise!

Eyes On You was so appreciative for all of the love and support from the Professional Wedding Guide along with all of the brides that attended the showthat day! We couldn’t have asked for a better turn out. We will greatly honor our current title of “Best Booth Award” winner and start strategizing on how to stay reigning champions for the next show on September 29th, 2013. Don’t miss out! See you soon!

For list of the next upcoming bridal shows that Eyes On You will be attending, please visit The Perfect Wedding Guide’s website at www.TampaBride.com