According to Wikipedia, threading is an ancient method of hair removal originating in India. In more recent times it has gained popularity in Western Countries.

In threading, a thin (cotton or polyester) thread is doubled, then twisted. It is then rolled over areas of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at the follicle level. Unlike tweezing, where single hairs are pulled out one at a time, threading can remove short lines of hair.

Advantages cited for eyebrow threading, as opposed to eyebrow waxing, are that it provides more precise control in shaping eyebrows and is more gentle on the skin. It can be painful as several hairs are removed at once: however this can be minimized if it is done professionally.

There are a few different techniques for threading. These include the hand method, mouth method and neck. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages; however, the mouth holding method is the fastest and most precise.

Most people believe threading originated in India over 6000 years ago and spread throughout Asia, the Middle East and in recent times Europe. The Arabic word for threading is ‘Khite’; in Egypt it is also called ‘Fatlah’.

Threading is widely practiced amongst Iranians, but it was originally only done when a woman was getting married or for special occasions. In ancient Persia, threading was a sign that a girl had reached adulthood and became a woman.

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