Hello Eyes On You Guests!

This is your invitation to the 3rd Annual Mousequerade, held at Ferg’s Sports Bar and Grill in Downtown St. Pete!

This event is on September 25th, 2015 from 7:00-11:00

This year Eyes On You is a Golden Mouse Sponsor and we are going to be doing a Mouse face painting Booth at the event!

Tickets are only $45 through September 15th, ($55 after the 15th)

Each Ticket Includes:

-2 Drink Tokens

-Plentiful Hors D’oeuvres

-1 Opportunity Ticket

-1 Event T-Shirt

Visit This Website to Purchase your Tickets today! :http://www.TheKindMouse.org

A Little Bit About The Kind Mouse Productions, Inc.

“We help people who have experienced career loss to restore their dignity and re-establish their lives.”

“We feed 250 local food insecure children weekly – children in our own backyards.”

~The Kind Mouse

Throughout their 90 day program, they are currently assisting local transitional individuals and their families with food, housewares, pet supplies and optional career coaching. The families that they help are the proud, hardworking, self-supporting career people who are affected most by the economy. These self-sufficient individuals never expected to be in the situations they now find themselves in.

Through their “Mouse Nibbles” Weekend Feeding Program, they deliver prepackaged food to “the hungriest of hungry” local students in our area:

-Feeding approximately 250 children weekly throughout the year

-Students receive additional meals over the extended school breaks

-Provide students with holiday gifts and school supplies twice, yearly

-In 2014, they delivered 11,800 Mouse Nibbles to students

-They are the proud provider of Jane’s Pantry, a pilot program through the Pinellas County School Board where food unstable children can get food immediately.

The Kind Mouse Productions receive funding through generous donations, sponsorships, grants, fundraising and year-round food drives supported by the community!

Mission Statement: Our mission is to assist local families in transition and their chronically hungry children. No hardworking individual should ever feel despair due to economic hardships beyond their control. Everyone has a right to feel safe and secure in their own homes. And, no one should ever go hungry!

Please Join all of us here at Eyes On You and “Get Your Mouse On” to help a great cause!