Jasmin Keyes is an artist of many mediums. This year following a near fatal car accident she began a 30 day drawing challenge to aid in her recovery. A year later she finished the 30 drawings, and had an art exhibition to show them which coincided with her 30th birthday. Upon turning 30, she recently wrote a post on Bombshell Beauty-full, her personal blog, with pictures of her favorite drawings from Project 30 which you can read here… Bombshellbeautyfull.blogspot.com. reflecting on the last year, the drawing challenge and what being an artist means to her. 
For me it’s all about creation, no matter what form it takes. The drawing challenge sharpened skills in a medium I had been neglecting, but it’s all transferable. My line art in some of the drawing challenges improved some of my makeup application techniques. The world to me is beauty-full and I like to capture the beauty I see thru my eyes as much as possible.” she says. “From drawing to makeup I identify as an artist in more ways than one and just want to make the world a more beauty-full place…” 
We are so excited to have Jasmin Keyes on the Eyes on You team and to watch her grow as an artist.
You can book online now with Jasmin Keyes for Makeup, Hair and Body Painting by clicking here